* Sync problem in EQ Mod.
* Flanger not fully connected.
* String redraw problem in matrix modules from the change in Mod send.
* String redraw from matrix modules to not connected to "Display" or "Data" Modules.
* X Box module graphics fix.
* X Box module parameters "Start" and "Osc" not connected.
* Phase Modulation not working properly in Mods 1 to 4
* Wavetables were still on while not in use.
* Gate not connected properly.
* Delay master control couldn't switch to 4/4
* Delay "Feedback" and "Volume" controls not connected to Ticker sends.
* False trigger to LFO On/off swith from LFO Matrix trigger option selection.
* "SeqPhase" and "SeqSample" not recieveing signal from Master clear control.
* Matrix trigger modules "16 Divsion" output incorrect.
* Matrix trigger modules "16 Divsion" visuals incorrect.
New Stuff
* New Interface for the EQ Mod
* New Stereo Rotation Module ( by Dozius)
* New Mod send and Matrix trigger option for Rotation
* New Random button on all 16 division triggers
* New Option for Seq 2 Line width
* New Compressor Module ( by Julian Gantner)
* New Matrix Trigger for Compressor
* New button to select Timeline numbers division.
* Seq depth control hidden in Seq 3 mode
* Format trigger moved back to matrix
* Tutorial page changed.
* Flanger matrix trigger is gone
* Option to send to saw osc from Mods 1 to 4 is gone. (can still use the tickers for this)
* Sync problem in EQ Mod.
* Flanger not fully connected.
* String redraw problem in matrix modules from the change in Mod send.
* String redraw from matrix modules to not connected to "Display" or "Data" Modules.
* X Box module graphics fix.
* X Box module parameters "Start" and "Osc" not connected.
* Phase Modulation not working properly in Mods 1 to 4
* Wavetables were still on while not in use.
* Gate not connected properly.
* Delay master control couldn't switch to 4/4
* Delay "Feedback" and "Volume" controls not connected to Ticker sends.
* False trigger to LFO On/off swith from LFO Matrix trigger option selection.
* "SeqPhase" and "SeqSample" not recieveing signal from Master clear control.
* Matrix trigger modules "16 Divsion" output incorrect.
* Matrix trigger modules "16 Divsion" visuals incorrect.
New Stuff
* New Interface for the EQ Mod
* New Stereo Rotation Module ( by Dozius)
* New Mod send and Matrix trigger option for Rotation
* New Random button on all 16 division triggers
* New Option for Seq 2 Line width
* New Compressor Module ( by Julian Gantner)
* New Matrix Trigger for Compressor
* New button to select Timeline numbers division.
* Seq depth control hidden in Seq 3 mode
* Format trigger moved back to matrix
* Tutorial page changed.
* Flanger matrix trigger is gone
* Option to send to saw osc from Mods 1 to 4 is gone. (can still use the tickers for this)